By Emeka Amaefula


With dissolution of several boards of Federal Government Commissions, Ministries Directorates and Agencies MDAs, Parastatal, institutions and Government-owned Companies as announced by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the President Federal Republic of Nigeria through Secretary of the Government of the Federation-SGF, has in a Press statement made available by Dr. Ibitoye Abosede Director Corporate affairs of NDDC stated that “the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs has directed the Managing Director of the Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC Dr. Samuel Ogbuku to continue to oversee the affairs of the Commission until a new board is constituted by President and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces.”

The statement further directed that Dr. Ogbuku should provide weekly reports on his Financial and procurement activities which he is required to transmit to the office of the Secretary to Government of the Federation. This directive was contained in a Letter vide 21st of June 2023 and signed by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs, Dr. Shuaib Belgore which was directed to Niger Delta Development Commission-NDDC Managing Director and Chief executive Officer as the Permanent Secretary stated thus, “Following the termination of the Boards of Federal Government Parastatal by the President on June 19, 2023, with the exception of Councils and Commissions listed in the Third Schedule, Part 1, section 152(1) of the 1999 Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria as Amended, I write to inform you of this directive. Consequently, you are to oversee the affairs of the NDDC until a new Board is constituted by the President and Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces. All official correspondences requiring the attention of the President should be routed through the office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs, who will further liaise with the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation for necessary action.”

The NDDC is a developmental interventionist agency which has been providing dividends of democracy to the people of Niger Delta region whose areas have been the bedrock of hydrocarbon extractive activities since 1950s to date thereby contributing over 80 percent to the earnings of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

————————-Emeka Amaefula————-+234(0)8111813069

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