
By Vitalis Unachukwu


Can Nigerians hazard a guess as to why their political rulers and representatives in government are so wicked, nonchalant, arrogant , and bereft of empathy in matters of their welfare, when it comes to the delivery of the dividends of democracy ? 

Why do they raise eyebrows over the basic necessities due to the citizens, but when it comes to stealing and looting of public funds, they do so mindlessly with alacrity and dead consciences?

What’s concerning and baffling is the fact that , most of these rulers, officials and politicians in government, verbally profess on lip basis , either Christianity or Islam, both of which religions preach LOVE of God and neighbor , yet , they chose wickedness over love , which’s why they are acting inhumanly, without humanness to the people .

If a government lacks compassion, political will and moral courage to deal with the problems affecting the people, then , it would be too hard for it to govern well and deliver on campaign promises .

Imagine the vehemence and opposition of the authorities of the present government against workers’ minimum wage, which took intense negotiations and nearly got stalled during the negotiations stage .

Tinubu and CO know too well that the 70K they agreed to pay Nigerian Workers, is not realistic under our present economic circumstances .

Why did the officials of the administration mount so much opposition to what the government could have gladly agreed to pay ?

Our nation is bastardly rich and engulfed in corruption .

If politicians could shamelessly loot billions and trillions, and no legal , ethical and disciplinary sanction or action is taken against culprits , to deter potential political criminals from bastardizing the already broken system, why then does Tinubu and those who negotiated the minimum wage on his behalf, settle for 70K instead of 100K or more , knowing that we have so much money to handle it and accommodate such a much more starvation minimum wage ?

It’s hard for our government to take delight and show empathy in thinking , planning and doing what’s best for our people ?

It beats my imagination how our government has related to our people , with excessive force of high handedness, without realizing that the people deserve better and much more in reaping the benefits and dividends of democracy ?

Does this vexing issue agitate the consciences of Nigerians, who are made to suffer more than they should, by their government, that owes them a lot more in result-oriented democratic terms ?

For instance, of what value is the 50K in Naira, meant for Youth Monthly Stipend, to the current scorching inflation in Nigeria?

What’s it worth to the billions and trillions, few unproductive top officials in the Nigerian Government, are looting and stashing away unchallenged?

50K is worthless in the face of inflationary trends and pressures in our bedeviled nation, which exposes the indescribable wickedness of corrupt politicians, in office most of whom are unworthy to hold office in Nigeria and elsewhere in the world ?

Why does our government delight in showing our people the back of the hand and giving our people peanuts or nothing in a nation that wrecks billions of dollars into the national treasury?

Since independence, from when oil exploration began in Nigeria, we have wrecked over $900 Billion, without translating such a huge amount into visible development across all sectors of the economy.

Nigerian political rulers and politicians are insatiably and viciously wicked and incorrigibly corrupt to say the least, as they’re most insatiable in the ocean of corruption.

If they doubt this unbiased factual conclusion, let them present themselves for a probe and truth test to uncover all lies in their stock in trade.

The level of political hypocrisy and endemic corruption in Nigeria, are unbelievable, unspeakable and unparalleled in the history of mankind.

That’s why divine judgement on Nigeria, will be sweeping and leave no stone unturned when our political rulers and politicians in government face God’s Judgement and Justice.

I feel that the plight of humanity in Nigeria, is not something government should trifle with or take for granted without showing compassion and ultimate profitable goodwill to the people

Why would officials of the Nigerian Government disrespect, disregard the citizens of the country, as inconsequential, vulnerable objects, without dignity and rights in contemporary times?

Those who lord it over the rest of the population, are the worst offenders in comparative meritocracy.

They lack the requisite knowledge, competence, capacity, integrity, intelligence, honesty, vision, productive abilities and compassion, to handle the affairs and problems of our society.

They’re only interested in the conspicuous consumption of already baked national cakes, with no plans and intention to bake more for others in replacement.

What a queer system of government we have in Nigeria that lacks empathy towards the people!

Why do Nigerian Authorities find it extremely difficult to grant palliatives to our poverty-stricken population, dying daily of hunger and why are they defiant in taking appropriate steps in alleviating the hardships of the people, while indulging in clandestine looting spree of what belongs to all citizens ?

Tinubu and CO, do not have more rights as citizens than the rest of us.

Why do they think they must decide who gets what in the scheme of things?

Given the huge revenue from our oil resources, which run into billions of dollars, why’s the Nigerian Government, finding it hard, to plan for every segment of our population, such that no citizen will be in want or left behind in the strategic economic planning for all Nigerians and they’re there beating about the bush and indulging in useless excuses in the face of governance ?

What’s hard in the due delivery of the dividends of democracy to the people, when the money and means for doing so are there?

Is it the problem of the head, corrupt instincts or both?

Much as unspeakable forgeries adorn the service records of our politicians, such that most of them have no reliable, authentic, service records and transparency in their claims on submissions made to INEC , a corrupt institution that glosses over inconsistencies and false declarations of public office seekers , ahead of elections , which hardly vets verifiable claims by politicians .

Such has been the unfortunate case of Nigeria, with the recycling of unelectable politicians by the corrupt INEC Leadership and their collaborators.

We end up having the wrong and worst people in government, who are irresponsible , incompetent , useless, unproductive , unwilling and unprepared to take risks for good governance in the interests of the people  .

This has been the dangerous and unfortunate situation Nigeria found herself from time immemorial , with the state of our nation’s political tsunami that has crippled our resolve to move forward under visionary leadership of political rulers , who are mentally empty , physically incapacitated, politically weak and morally bankrupt in matters of democratic leadership .

Nigeria’s intransigence, intractable problems and internal contradictions, took roots from beginning , from the head down the line, without real political leaders on the political saddle , who are nothing but corrupt rulers lacking in human decency and dignity to work and address the challenges of our nationhood , which remain unresolved since independence till date .

Who’s to blame for our underdevelopment, neglect of the people and lack of accountability in office, that denied our citizens, their due shares and stakes to the oil wealth of our nation ?

Nigerians end up hearing so much about billions and trillions shared or spent on purported make believe projects which have no direct economic value and impact to them , which the authorities of the government find hard to appreciate as vanities upon vanities, summing up as vanities ?

This is why it sounds so crazy, shameful, sickening, disgusting, humiliating and disgraceful, watching the authorities, taunting and beating their chests , after agreeing to pay 70K as minimum wage, which under current economic, inflationary conditions , is not reasonable, realistically propitious to the suffering , miserable and endangered workers of our country .

Even the 50K Youth Monthly Stipend, is nothing to write or manage home about , when compared to the millions, billions and trillions, syphoned , stolen and looted daily by the officials of the incumbent government .

Nigerians are not stupid in taking stock of what Tinubu and his officials are doing to the detriment of the helpless population.

As they wreck out Nigeria, those in the network of their criminal looting atrocities, are busy collating evidence and facts of non-existent transactions, placated under the blanket of corruption .

Only God and history will allow the spilling of the beans and the exposure of insatiable political looters in our government , who do not know that ,whatever goes around, comes around and that the urge of grabbing and looting is never satisfied by grabbing and looting . 

That’s the hard reality of life.

We’re in a dark world, in a broken nation, where the citizens are totally fed up with the callous, malicious and manipulative attitude, maltreatment and neglect by their government, which they received against all odds . 

Why is there no humanity and iota of empathy in those in public office, who’re no outlaws , after swearing to oaths of office and allegiance, to protect, defend the Constitution , care and serve the people , whose power to vote and reject public office seekers , cannot be questioned and taken for granted, irrespective of the prevalence of electoral criminality in the Nigerian Democratic System  ?

It’s sinful and morally unacceptable, pondering over the wicked attitude of those superintending the affairs of our country, when it comes to what naturally should benefit the people, which they have been known to show no interest at all, as if the little that trickles to the people, would deprive them of the lion share they eye often at , when Nigeria has more than enough to go round and take care of all citizens, instead of a privileged powerful few .

Can Nigerians spare a brief moment, engage in soul searching to find out why their so called political rulers and representatives, are so wicked to part with what ordinarily should come to them as of right and privilege, considering the social responsibility of the government to the people, from whom government derives its power to govern ?

This should help to eliminate the common apathy existing between the rulers and the led and perhaps underscore why patriotism as a democratic tenet , is dead in Nigeria , which accounts for no followership in the country .

The political rulers and their enabling cronies are already at crossroads and cross purposes with the people, denied the basic needs of life , freedom and survival .

It’s a sad commentary that evokes tears , regrets and hatred against the political rulers of our land and their selfish backers , who reap from the chaotic situation .

With a population of about 300 million people, at least not more than 350 million people, if the National Assembly had shared or spent the 150 billion Naira, purportedly spent on Tinubu’s Presidential Jet , on Nigerians, do you know how much each Nigerian  would receive, and can you fathom the huge impact of such amount on the economic well-being of the people ?

With what Tinubu ,Buhari, Akpabio, Wike , Mahmoud Yakubu , CJN Ariwoola, and a host of other corrupt politicians, had amassed for themselves, who preferred Nigeria’s wealth to be under their control than being under the control of the people and used to alleviate the lot of the people , what the hell do they still want , that they don’t want to give Nigerians a little space and time to breathe ?

What the hell do they still want, folks, in their present positions?

At Tinubu’s fleeting age and the like , what does he want to do with the whole of Lagos State Government assets , businesses and the rest of Nigeria, after getting hold of our oil wealth ?

The same question goes to other corrupt, greedy politicians, especially State Governors, who insist on using two terms of 8 years, to wreck their States and leave them , looted , raped , destroyed, abandoned and dumped .

Without gaining saying the fact , they would ultimately see how God and Mother Nature will trick them and deal with them for being dumb , selfish, ignorant and stupid , in incurring generational curses for themselves and their own generations, after corruptly looting and destroying what belongs to the people .

That’s why most of them are rendered bankrupt and useless, as time flies , when they are down and out, with no admirable legacy for their families and children to follow .

Most Nigerians , deprived of the basic necessities of life, go on their knees and invoke God’s vengeance on our political representatives, according to the power of His Word in Psalm 34 , after being neglected and uncared for, with their natural stakes to our nation’s wealth .

Can the inevitable mysteries of life compel our political rulers and representatives to change , repent from their wicked tendencies and start treating our people with respect, dignity, compassion and love, by allowing the nation’s wealth to go round among all Nigerians ?

Barrister Vitalis Unachukwu is a Pennsylvania, United States of America Based Lawyer and social critic,

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