By Emeka Amaefula



The two political leaders Minister of FCT Abuja and Governor Siminialayi Fubara took their political battle further to the sharing of Christmas and Yuletide largesse across the 319 wards in the state. Whereas Wike shared 2000 bags of Rice to each of the 23 Local Government Area, Gov. Siminialayi Fubara, the leader of PDP in Rivers state according to the Constitution of the party also shared 100 bags of Rice and a cow each to the 319 electoral wards in Rivers state.

The ongoing struggle to attract political loyalty of their followers in the electoral wards the two warring politicians are now having their supporters in the 319 wards with many of them positioning themselves to catch up with the camps of either Wike or that of Siminialayi Fubara. It was a floodgate of 77,900 bags of branded 5okilogram of Rice, with a total of 319 cows to the 319 electoral wards in Rivers state. At Omagwa town in Ikwerre Local Government Area close to the International Airport some of the Wike branded 50kg bags of rice were seen after Christmas packed at a popular Bar all heaped carelessly.

  This was revealed when the Acting State Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Rivers State, Hon. Chukwuemeka Aaron held an end of year crucial meeting with State Executive members of the PDP, Local Government Chairmen and Local Government Party Chairmen of the PDP.

During the meeting informed the political leaders in the grassroot of the Christmas largesse given to each ward by the Executive Governor of Rivers State which include one hundred bags of 50kg rice and one cow per ward across the 23 LGAs in the state.

While thanking the Governor for releasing these items to Rivers people, he decried the way the melee between him and his predecessor and Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, His Excellency, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike is being escalated by their supporters on social media. Hon. Chukwuemeka Aaron said, “we went to see the President, on the request of some elders who pleaded for the President to intervene in this matter. We need peace in this state as all the Local Government Chairmen here, attended the meeting and what did the President do? He said he was asked to intervene by persons seated there and he then gave Dr. Peter Odili to read the resolutions. And after each resolution, he asked everyone if they agreed and everyone said yes with a loud voice.

“After the reading of the resolution, he asked anyone if they had anything to say, to which the Governor stood up, thanked Mr. President for coming into the matter and resolving it. He promised to implement the resolution and pleaded that people with him should not be victimized after this episode. That was when Mr. President asked all of us to sign. 

“Our Governor signed, and then gave the Speaker, Martin Amaewhule to sign and one after the other, we all signed. I signed too. President Tinubu asked me to join the APC and I told him no, I am not leaving the PDP. It is my Party, I’ve served this party for 24 years, first as Secretary at my LGA, then LGA Party Chairman, and then State Deputy Chairman, and now Acting State Chairman. Why do I want to leave my home? He shook me and said okay.

Is that not what happened? So why will people be changing what happened and say the Governor was forced? In a room filled with 150 persons? Who will force the Governor to do anything he doesn’t want to do? He signed it and after that, the President asked again if anyone had anything to say, Dr. Odili stood and thanked him for intervening, while promising that the resolution will be obeyed. Why did all these people not say anything to Mr. President there? Nobody forced anybody, we were all laughing there. These are the people that don’t want peace in this state.”

He said the Governor is committed to peace and has started the process by paying the other assembly members their salary and allowances and so is the Minister. He advised everyone present to speak to their people to allow the parties involved to embrace peace, adding that it is only in an atmosphere of peace that progress is achieved.

Hon. Aaron said Governor Siminalayi Fubara is committed to serve Rivers people and thanked him for the Christmas package he gave the Civil Servants in the state, adding that these are the benefits Rivers people stand to gain when there is peace in the state.

He advised the youths to stop instigating crises in the state and allow peace to prevail. He said he stands for peace and will continue to preach peace till it is achieved, which will happen in no distant time.

He tasked the LGA Chairmen to provide logistics to transport the provision made by the Governor while adding that the LGA Party Chairmen and State Executives of the PDP should join other leaders in the LGA to supervise the sharing of the largesse.

He further asked everyone present to keep praying for peace, adding that at the end of the day, Governor Fubara and Barr. Nyesom Ezenwo Wike, is one person who will still come together and work together when peace is achieved. He urged everyone present to tow the path of neutrality and remain optimistic that peace will return in the state.

The Rivers state Governor Fubara has been using every moment to plead for in Rivers state as his Christmas message was centred on Peace and his acceptance of the 8-Points Resolution.

———-Emeka Amaefula—————-+234(0)8111813069

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