The drive to render selfless service to others is natural and to some people it is spontaneous and reflective. This Light complexioned Andoni Local Government Area Rivers state born youthful and tall handsome Medical Scientist, Erens Spiff Ekprikpo is such an exemplary  young man with vision and mission to alleviate the sufferings of  the less  privilege members of the society irrespective of his meagre income as Doctoral Degree Student currently pursuing a Research program in Haematology from Rivers State University where he also serves as a staff of the Rivers state University Teaching Hospital Port Harcourt. Former Braithwaite Memorial Specialists Hospital Port Harcourt, Rivers state. Erens Ekprikpo Health Foundation a health foundation with interest in advocacy for proper Healthcare information and provision of free medical services to vulnerable communities. He is very dedicated to things that concern humanitarian services which he attributes to his gifts from God and a privilege to use the gift to serve humanity as well.

 Ekprikpo Erens Spiff, born on 25th of June,1987 to the family of Chief S.T.A.G Ekprikpo of Ikuru town in Andoni LGA Rivers StateErens as he is fondly addressed by his friends, started his primary school at Holy Trinity Anglican Primary School Calabar in 1994 as he obtained his West African Senior School Certificate at City College Port Harcourt, Rivers State in 2005. He was admitted at the then Rivers State University of Science and Technology now Rivers State University Nkpolu Orowurokwu, Port Harcourt where he successfully earned his Bachelor’s degree in Medical Laboratory Science (B MLS) in 2015. He then furthered for his Masters of Science, MSc Degree in Haematology and Blood Transfusion Science in 2022 with a Distinction. Thus, he is studying for a Doctoral Degree PhD in Haematology and Blood Transfusion Science.

Erens Spiff Ekprikpo is now working as a Senior Medical Laboratory Scientist at the Rivers State University, College Of Medical Sciences.

On Saturday 8th of July, 2023 he granted audience to THE EAR WITNESS Publisher/Editor-In-Chief, Emeka Amaefula(+234(0)8111813069) as he revealed his penchant for helping the less privilege persons and his dedication in running a non-governmental organization-NGO known as Erens _Ekprikpo Health Foundation (EEHF). Read On


May I meet You?

I am a Medical Laboratory Scientist from Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State.  I am Chief Executive officer and founder of Erens Ekprikpo Health Foundation-EEHF based in Rivers state.

How did you develop interest in Humanitarian services?

My interest in humanitarian services started as a young man, I always notice that I am always the giving and helping kind of person. While growing up I always see myself trying to add value and try to be the helping hand and being the shoulder to lean on where I can.

When exactly did you start the operation of your NGO-Erens Ekprikpo Health Foundation?

I started officially during my birthday when I went to the Port Harcourt Remand Home here at Rivers State to give out arms to those inmates children out there and something struck me when I did what I did and I was so fulfilled in my spirit as I felt this peace and  I said to myself ‘Ah this is a good place to start off and to make a conscious effort to always reach out to those that require our love and our hands of fellowship’ And as it happened I started Erens Ekprikpo Health Foundation in February 2020 after I was the Community Development Service -CDS President for the Medical and Health Service CDS at Uyo where I did my National Youth Service Corps Scheme, NYSC in Akwa Ibom State. During that time, we went out for Free Medical Outreaches to Rural communities for Advocacy on Health Seeking behaviours and in the course of that, that same feeling of fulfilment happened again and I was like ‘I need to make this official’. And on 13th of February, 2020 I finished all the Corporate Affairs Commission registration as regards Erens Ekprikpo Health Foundation where we advocate for Health seeking behaviours and inform the general public on knowledge around certain diseases and measures to prevent them, so we give out free medical services to those that require help mostly in the rural communities.

Given the Economic implications of having such functions organized, how do you source for funds?

Well, for now it is self-funded with a little bit of support from well-meaning individuals and of course with that you can see we are running it. Of course, we have intentions to source for funds and support from foreign organizations, well-meaning individuals as I earlier said, sister organizations, the Government, Corporate Organizations and foreign bodies. We are hoping to partner with them as we believe in partnership in the work we do.  

Being a Medical Laboratory scientist, how do you contribute meaningfully towards the development of the society apart from your regular job?

Being a Medical Laboratory Scientist, I have contributed immensely to the development of the society aside from my job as I and my team have seen to it that the Erens Ekprikpo Health Foundation goes to rural communities and offers Free Medical services. We go to schools for advocacy and we go to Radio Stations for advocates as well, all to see how we can preach the message of Health Seeking behaviours and advocate for proper health information which we intend to use as a bridge to connect the people to the health care facilities within and outside the country and my Foundation Organizes an annual Health  Colloquium that is more like our major event every year where we Commemorate  World Malaria Day which is celebrated on the 25th of April yearly targeted towards the awareness of Malaria, knowing that Malaria is endemic here in Africa. Of course, we use the event to raise awareness and call on stakeholders within the health sector to brainstorm towards the eradication of Malaria in Africa because as a continent the disease is endemic here as it doesn’t affect European Countries as it may interest you to know that a child under the age of 5 years dies of Malaria every minute in Africa. So, the burden is really on us as a people. So, we use that programme which we tag as the Annual Health Colloquium in Collaboration with other Healthcare Facilitators and Associations to see how we can bring stakeholders together and discuss Malaria in detail and raise awareness to see how we can curb and ameliorate the disease. We also launch a programme at the event where we go into rural communities and see how we can give Mosquito prevention treated Nets to persons that will be needing them especially mothers and children under the ages of 5 years.  

Are you married?

Yes, I am married with two lovely children, a boy and a girl.  

What were your growing up years like as a child?

Yeah, growing up for me was really a good one as I have a loving family. I grew up as the 3rd child among 7-children from my mother but from a polygamous home. My dad also had other children. So, from growing up I was loved by my parents and siblings. I am used to staying in a house with many people. I am from a godly home I must say. My late Dad was a Chief in Ikuru town in Andoni LGA. I grew up partly at Calabar Cross River State where I attended my Primary and part of my Secondary Schools before we moved back to Port Harcourt where I completed my secondary education. I went to Rivers State University of Science and Technology Port Harcourt which is now Rivers state University, where I studied Medical Laboratory Science- B.MLS at first degree level and I now furthered to have my Masters of Science Degree. And now I am currently doing my Doctoral Degree PhD. 

Yes, growing up was wonderful and beautiful. I have been around a lot of people while growing up. And I was loved as a child that’s why I now extend this love to the world.  

What position are you running for in the Election of Executive Members of Nigerian Medical Laboratory Scientists Association, Rivers state chapter?

Yes, I belong to the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria Rivers Branch, that is the professional association that I belong to as the current Secretary of the Rivers State University Chapter, I am currently running for an elective position for the Office of the Auditor in the State branch. I think from my background of running the foundation and in other places where I served, I have gathered enough experience and knowledge around paying attention to details and display of honesty and transparency and believe that I can add that to the development of the State Association to help achieve the Association’s goals. It is important to know the books and go through the auditing to help in the exhibition of honesty and transparency. So, as a person I am purpose driven and detail oriented because of that I felt like the Association will be needing my expertise in Auditing our financial reports and fostering trust and transparency between the EXCOS and members of the Association. So, with that experience of running the Health Foundation where of course you know that documentation is very key for auditing our Financial Reports I believe I will do a great job. I want to bring my wealth of Knowledge into the profession and see how we can harness it and grow. 



Give us a rundown of your academic background?

Well, like I said before I have a Master’s degree and currently my PhD is in view. I studied Haematology and Blood transfusion Science in the then Rivers state University of Science and Technology now Rivers state University.   

In future do you have interest in going into politics as a way of rendering service to your people?

Basically in the future if I have any interest to serve Rivers state people in Politics well, if the opportunity comes I have always seen myself as a servant and I would not want to say no to a call to serve as I derive a lot of joy in serving and I have a mantra that I work with which is “If you can do the job and you are called upon and you refuse because of your selfishness at the end a lot of destinies are tied to you and that your singular inaction and selfishness could lead to a lot of negative feedback in the long run. So, I always see myself as a person that has a lot of destinies tied to him. So, I always want to see how I can contribute my little quota to better wherever I am serving and leaving that place with a good impression and a good memory so that posterity could speak well of me and my antecedence. Basically, if I am being called upon to go into secular politics, as it is said that when the righteous lead the people rejoice. I would want to say that if I am called, I wouldn’t shy away from those aspirations or those calls if it is part of God’s plan for me.

———————————-Emeka Amaefula ————————–+234(0)8111813069


  1. Spiff is a renowned scientist who derive joy in helping the less privileged, I wish him more heights and success in his endeavours. He is currently vying for the position of Auditor in his Association and should be voted for cos he is passionate, enthusiastic and dogged.

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