The life and times of City People Magazine Port Harcourt based Reporter and Business Development Manager late Mrs. Bunmi Toki-Durojaiye who died on Thursday 23rd of February,2023 had a Night of Tributes held in her honour on Tuesday 14th of March,2023 as celebrities from all walks of life paid tributes to the elegant, smart and clever pretty looking Mrs. Bunmi Toki-Durojaiye. The event was held at Ediz Wine Bar GRA Phase 1 a popular high-profile entertainment center. The NIGERIAN Creative Industry an organization made up of artists and artistes who are in the Showbiz industry gathered themselves and their friends at the event center to pay last respect to one of their own Late Bunmi Toki-Durojaiye who was a member. Present at the Night of Tributes service include Angel D’ Laff, Kunle Tatafo, Timi Dare aka Double T, top celebrity DJ  Demola Sam Adeoye DSA, Former Commissioner for Information and Communications later Acting Managing Director CEO Niger Delta Development Commission NDDC Mrs. Ibim Semenitari, former Chief Press Secretary to Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, Mr. Blessing Wikina, Dr. Lawrence Dike Bekwele,former Press Secretary to Rivers State First Lady, Dame Judith Amaechi, Ruzzel Ngofa, Ambassador George, Ojims Micheal,DJ Ebi,Funke Adade of Thisday Newspaper. Others at the event were staff of City People Magazine Port Harcourt office led by Mr. Emeka Amaefula,Mr. Ibrahim Bakare and Kehinde Philip, Mrs.Amaka Agbu of Daily Times Newspaper Lagos, Amaechi Okonkwo, Chairman Correspondents’ Chapel Nigerian Union of Journalists, Miss Rosemary Nwisi of The Nation Newspaper Port Harcourt Office, et al

The show began with opening prayers. Angel D’Laff anchored the event as the Master of Ceremony assisted by Double T. In his speech Mr. Blessing Nwikina reflected on the professional practice and style of journalism Late Bunmi Toki-Durojaiye brought into Port Harcourt social circuits with her verification of developing stories which she insisted upon confirmation before publishing such stories…as his job was made simple by such conduct of the deceased while she was reporting for City People Magazine at Port Harcourt.

Others spoke kindly of her candour and vivacious and vicious carriage of her positive interpersonal skills which earned her many friends and admirers as a Journalist. Bunmi’s first son Oluwagbohunmi David Durojaiye in his appreciation speech said that his mom was so caring and loving so much that she gave him free hand to select his Course if study at the University as a graduate of Dramatic Arts, a Course of study many parents wouldn’t have approved. He thanked organisers of the event for their support for his mother and care for him and his sibling at this moment of grief.

Other speakers were so touched with the way late Bunmi Toki-Durojaiye helped them develop their businesses with reports of their lifestyles and regular mention in Weekly City People Magazine Lagos. 

Mr. Emeka Amaefula Bureau Chief Port Harcourt City People Magazine who represented the Publisher/Editor-In-Chief, Dr. Seye Kehinde talked about late Bunmi Toki-Durojaiye’s hard working attributes that earned her speedy promotion in the company right from January 2005 to date.  He admonished mourners to always believe in God as our earthly life is judged by what we do while alive. The City People Magazine family also thanked the Nigerian Creative Industry Association for their care and responsibilities in making the family of their deceased member proud of them at their period of mourning.

Several hymns were sung such as “When Peace Like a River; Fading Away” and “God Be With You”.

There was Candle light session where candle lights were set up and prayers said for the peaceful repose of the soul of the departed Bunmi Toki-Durojaiye who begot two handsome sons -Oluwagbohunmi David Durojaiye and Oluwajuwonlo Michael Durojaiye. Her remains was taken away from Military hospital mortuary Port Harcourt to Offa Kwara State on Thursday 16th of March,2023 as the burial ceremony proper took place on Friday 17th March, 2023 at OFFA Kwara State.


 Bunmi Toki-Durojaiye, was born on the 1st of September, 1965 to Late Estate Surveyor E.O Toki and Late J.B, Toki all hail from Offa, Kwara state.  The mother of 2 sons was referred to as the Grand Commander of Port Harcourt Society Reporters. She began her media career with, The Herald Newspaper in Ilorin, Kwara State. 

Late Bunmi Toki Durojaiye attended St Joseph’s Nursery and Primary School, Ilorin. She proceeded to St. Clare’s Grammar School, Offa, for her Secondary education. Upon graduation she went on to pursue a Diploma in Law from Ahmadu Bello University A.B.U, Zaria Kaduna State. Then she proceeded to University of Jos, where she obtained a Degree in English Language and Linguistics Studies. Her Media Career spanned for over 20 years.

One of the things Bunmi would always advise people is… Always say it as it is.

In the year 2005, Late Bunmi Toki-Durojaiye applied for inclusion in the Corporate management of Media Techniques Nigeria Ltd, Publishers of City People Magazine Lagos. Her clever approach earned her a place with her first assignment being the coverage of the Wedding ceremony of John Dakoru son of the then Minister of Energy Dr. Edmond Dakoru now His Eminence Amanyanabo of Nembe ancient kingdom. She became the face of high-profile live shows which included her bringing to Port Harcourt nationally recognized musicians like 9ice.

Her investigative dexterity made her renowned among celebrities especially the female folks. 

Late Bunmi Durojaiye was successively promoted to the position of Business Development Manager, a position she handled very well until her last breathe.

Succinctly, she was a no-nonsense figure who never tolerated injustice of any kind. During the 2018 Correspondents’ Chapel Nigerian Union of Journalists- NUJ Rivers State Council held Election, Late Bunmi Toki-Durojaiye aspired to the position of Vice-chairman of which her popularity intimidated her opponents who surreptitiously, disqualified and suspended her on the trump up allegations that a Bachelor’s Degree in   English Language/ Linguistics is not recognized by NUJ as entry point to the noble profession- Journalism practice a matter that is currently being challenged before a court of Competent jurisdiction. She and her Legacy Team slate and their key supporters numbering eleven were suspended which prompted the Court case at *National Industrial Court of Nigeria-NICN, Port Harcourt judicial Division* with Honourable Justice Nelson Ogboanya presiding since January 2018 to date without it going into hearing 5- years after. She’s fondly remembered by her simple but sharp dress sense as an agile lady who’s beautiful, clean and eloquent as her fearless dispositions paved way for her in all that she did as a Journalist of note. 

A lot of us, her colleagues in the office, her friends and well-wishers will miss her strict but jovial lifestyle with her upright Christian doctrine adherent in all that she did with anyone. Her membership of Living Faith Church aka Winners Chapel Port Harcourt Rivers State was not in doubt as she displayed Christ-like exemplary conducts in most of her encounters with people she met on daily basis with much giving to people in need irrespective of her own challenges. 

We say adieu Bunmi Toki-Durojaiye for you fought a good fight… goodnight as a Comrade, a sister, a friend and a Loving mother to your two beloved sons.

———— Emeka Amaefula Jp—+234(0)8111813069


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