By Emeka Amaefula 

Not many of the Governorship Candidates are out to win the upcoming 2023 Rivers State Governorship election on 11th of March,2023. Majority of the gubernatorial candidates are out to have bargaining power for inclusion into the mainstream of the winning party. From all indications the ones who will not win the gubernatorial election would like to be included in the association of Governorship Candidates who are usually settled with juicy contracts from the newly formed government. The list of 2023 Gubernatorial Candidates currently going round the state consulting major political stakeholders across the 319 wards and 23 Local Government Areas of the state with the intention to win. However, Publisher/Editor-In-Chief of The Ear Witness, Emeka Amaefula(+234(0)8111813069) here reveals those who are serious contenders and those who mere participants.
He is a serious character and strong politician without any baggage of criminal or civil allegation threatening his Governorship candidature at the moment. This former All Progressives Congress APC member who purchased Nomination and Letter of Intent Forms but defected to Social Democratic party SDP where he still contested for the Governorship Primary election and won. The 2023 Governorship election in Rivers state will be centered on Senator Magnus Ngei Abe and the rest because he has been longing to showcase himself at the Center stage of Governorship election but was stopped in 2019 by his former friend and boss Rt. Honourable Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi who made him Secretary -To- State Government SSG. Because of the 2018/2019 legal infractions in Rivers state APC, the party was not on the ballot papers fir any elective position except that of President.
You may not believe this, it seems that APC in Rivers state doesn’t have any Governorship candidate fir the 2023 Governorship election. The reason being that Architect Tonye Cole has never been a grassroots politician and he does not have connections with the electorate who see him as a stranger as he has lived at Lagos where his father Diplomat Patrick Dele Cole lives permanently. Architect Pastor Tonye Patrick COLE was a former Chairman of Multi-Billion Dollar Oil and Gas exploration and Energy company Sahara Energy Nig. Ltd. Currently there’s ongoing court case against Tonye Cole as alleged by Rivers state Government that his company Sahara Energy Nig. Ltd received the sum of USD$50m while former Governor and Minister of Transportation Rt Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi held sway in Rivers state from 2007-to-2015. Apart from that PDP recently dragged Tonye Cole and APC Rivers state chapter fir not organizing proper State delegate election that produced Architect Tonye Cole as it’s Gubernatorial candidate.
He is a good option for All Progressives Congress as having the charisma and gait if a Governorship candidate but that opportunity did not come his way as he unceremoniously  went out from APC and pitched his Political tent on Action Alliance Party AA in Rivers state. During the government of Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi he was appointed Commissioner for Energy. And this doctoral graduate holds Baptist Church top national Position that has occupied his time and energy serving God in His Vineyards. Dr. Dawari George resigned from APC immediately replacement for Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi was announced being the Abua/ Odual LGA former Chairman Hon. Odi Odum…his grouse may not be unconnected with how reward  mechanism is being applied by the leader of the party in Rivers state. Those who have followed the leader for so many years never get positive rewards for their loyalty and 2023 compliances to the rules of engagement in the services of their Political party.
The Chairman of Platform Oil and Gas exploration company Ltd and traditional title holder in Kalabariland High Chief Dumo Lulu-Briggs is a who has towering pockets of cash and immense wealth being the son of High Chief Olu Benson Lulu-Briggs former Chairman Moni Pulo Oil and Gas exploration company Ltd whose financial worth before his death was USD$1.1Billion until when he died on 28th of December,2018 in Accra Ghana. For this Accord Party Governorship candidate, High Chief Dumo Lulu-Briggs getting high rating among voters in Rivers state is very low…this may not be unconnected with his style of political business and commitment. First in 2003 when he first declared his interest in contesting for Rivers state Governorship under National Democratic Party-NDP two days to electing the Governor, Dumo Lulu-Briggs stepped down asking his supporters to vote for Dr. Peter Odili of People’s Democratic Party-PDP. This is the origin of his not being taken serious by Rivers State voters. siñce that first attempt High Chief Dumo Lulu-Briggs has become a consistent Governorship aspirant contesting at every election period and not making headway in the electoral results been declared at the end of each contest. In 2023 will he make a difference using Accord Party that PDP had dragged to Court for allegedly not following due process in the election of its Governorship candidate, High Chief Dumo Lulu-Briggs. He holds Bachelor of Law degree LLB from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Kaduna state and did his National Youth Service Corps NYSC program at Katsina state while he earned Masters Degree in Law, LL.M from London School of Economics LSE, University of London United kingdom.
This Young  Progressives Party- YPP is one of the most youngest Governorship Candidates in Rivers state 2023 election. This is his first time in declaring for such a coveted office in Rivers  state. Generally, he is considered as one of the pretenders who just showed up to make the numbers and get noticed for inclusion by whoever wins the Rivers state 2023 Governorship election on 11th of March,2023.
This is founder of Kegema Unity Forum – KUF, High Chief SOBOMABO JACKRICH is your every day dude, very handsome and rich…he was a Peoples Democratic Party PDP member who helped Governor Wike clinch the 2015 Governorship election as he was rewarded with ASARI TORU Local Government Area Chairman position in 2015.He later was surreptitiously not favoured by Governor Wike as he began nursing the ambition of being elected as Governor of Rivers State come 2023 under the platform of National Rescue Movement, NRM. He criticizes Governor Wike most among all the Governorship Candidates and no one takes him serious às a contender because the political party platform he is using does not have popular rating in Rivers state especially among young eligible voters who constitute great number of registered voters in 2023.
This former Accountant General of Rivers State was an unknown citizen politician but a trained Accountant and Civil Servant who was drafted by the incumbent Governor Nyesom Ezenwo Wike as other Frontline aspirants were overnight persuaded to drop their ambitions. But with over N117 Billion Economic and Financial Crime Commission EFCC alleged case even though  the Rivers State Government under Dr. Peter Odili obtained Perpetual Court injunction Judgment this must have benefited  Siminialaye Fubara as there’s reprieve over the hunting and haunting of the Governorship candidate of PDP in 2023 election. But, this may after all affect his acceptability by the voting Public in Rivers state. He is a serious contender because he has backing of the incumbent Governor Nyesom Ezenwo Wike.
The coming of People’s Redemption Party -PRP Governorship candidate Honourable EMIYAREI ETETE SOBERE is a relief to many who have longed for a government with leftist leaning. Especially with the revenue being earned by Rivers state. PRP Candidate is not among those Frontline Governorship Candidates in Rivers.
She has been State Chairperson of Nigerian Labour Congress NLC in Rivers state and her ambition to be elected Executive Governor of Rivers State come 11th March, 2023 propelled her to throw in her cap into the race. She’s not a strong contender irrespective of the fact that the Labour Party Presidential Candidate His Excellency Peter Obi is being supported by the youths, Comrade Beatrice ITUBO is not among serious contenders for Rivers state 2023 Governorship election.
He is the Rivers state Governorship candidate for African Democratic Congress- ADC which has a thespian Tonto Dike as his running mate. Still this Governorship candidate doesn’t have mass appeal by the youths and majority of the electorate.
The All Progressives Grand Alliance APGA Governorship candidate of Rivers State Prince Ugo Beke is not new to public service. The trained Political Economist has much to offer him s state having served in framing vital economic policies with late Professor Sam Aluko, he now wants to translate his visions to building a new Rivers state. APGA may not have been a popular grassroot party in Rivers state but with high population of Igbos domiciled in Rivers state where they do business, Prince Ugo Beke has good chances of making great statement with his participation in contesting for 2023 Governorship election in Rivers state.
Coming to the struggle of becoming executive Governor of Rivers State, Engineer Victor FINGESI, the United States of America trained Engineer in 2019 participated in the Rivers state Governorship election under Action Democratic Party ADP. Being a Surveillance security expert for multinational Oil and Gas corporations operating in the Niger Delta Region, Engineer Fingesi will put in great effort in the 2023 Rivers state Governorship election
Dr. Dawari George Governorship candidate in Rivers state
Architect Tonye Cole is the All Progressives Congress Rivers State Governorship candidate

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