By Emeka Amaefula


Expectations and uncertainties reigned supreme on Wednesday 20th of July, 2022 as the General Overseer of Adoration Family Ministries, Reverend Philip Madu failed to appear before Justice C. Nwogu the Presiding Judge of Port Harcourt High Court at Port Harcourt Judicial Division in Rivers state as he is currently standing trial as a defendant over his claims to have possession of seven plots of land property at Elimgbu Community within Port Harcourt metropolis in Rivers state.

The court case has gone through several adjudications at the Magistrate Court of Rivers state in the Elimgbu Magisterial District and instituted since 2017 and judgment entered into in 2020 by His Worship A.E Fubara a Senior Magistrate as he then was in Suit no. EMC/70/R/2017. The matter has George Oparanozie and Bernard Oparanozie as plaintiffs and Revd Bro. Philip Madu; registered Trustees of Adoration Family Ministries Incorporated; Minister Tessy Ulor and Pastor Joshua Uzoechi as defendants.

Subsequently shifting away from the decisions of the Magistrate Court, the matter was brought before Justice C. Nwogu of Port Harcourt High Court in Port Harcourt judicial division where George Oparanozie and Bernard Oparanozie are Claimants suing through their lawful Attorney, Barrister kelechi Oparanozie having Rev. Brother Philip Madu as the only defendant in suit no.: PHC/4450/CS/2020. What is worrisome before Justice C. Nwogu is the fact that since the commencement of the case the defendant Rev. Bro. Philip Madu founder of Adoration Family Ministries alias Okunerere has not shown up in the court instead his Counsel Biobele W. Georgewill while he was handling the matter did present Affidavits in support of reasons the defendant Rev. Madu cannot appear before the court to take a plea. In one of his Affidavits and other counter affidavits Revd Philip Madu did introduce himself as a trained lawyer with Nasarawa State University as his institution where he graduated from and that of Nigerian Law School where he earned Barrister-At Law, BL. Upon investigation it was revealed that Revd Bro. Philip Madu has three different names affixed in his official documents including his purported Law Degree LLB certificate where he identified himself as Francis Philip Madu which was issued on 27th of August, 2015 and from his Call- To -Bar Certificate his name as printed reamined Philip Francis as signed and presented by Chairman, Body of Benchers in 2017. But scrutiny into the original source of the claimed certificates indicate that his names as presented by him through his Court affidavits never could be traced to Nasarawa state University Kerfi, Nasarawa State.

One area of concern before the court is why the defendant Rev’d Bro. Philip Madu has refused to appear before Justice C. Nwogu as at June 23, 2022 where Counsel to the defendant presented Affidavit after informing the Court that his client had travelled overseas for a seminar. Angered by the blatant misrepresentation of facts before the Court, Justice Nwogu asked Counsel of the defendant to provide the Court with Letters of Invitation, Visa approval, Hotel reservation and copies of Conference papers as a proof of supporting the sworn affidavit for his client Revd Philip Madu. The melodrama that took place at the court room must have charged the learned counsel to the defendant that it is more honourable to throw in the towel and wash out his hands from representing the Founder of Adoration Family Ministries Port Harcourt.

When the case was called up for Mention on Wednesday 20th of July, 2022 Justice Nwogu was presented with “Notice of Withdrawal of Legal Representation Brought Pursuant to Order 48 rule 2 Of High Court Of Rivers state (Civil Procedure) Rules, 2010” as he wrote “Take notice that the defendant’s Counsel, Biobele W. Georgewill, Esq. of the Law Firm of Umah & Georgewill, attorneys-at-Law & Corporate Consultants hereby withdraws his legal representation for the defendant. Henceforth, all processes meant for service on the defendant should be served on the Defendant personally. Dated 29th day of June, 2022.”  

It was on this note that another defense Counsel one Barrister Daniel showed appearance for Revd Philip Madu who the Judge has warned to make sure that Reverend Brother Philip Madu appears in court on 11th of October, 2022 to enter plea as required by law on allegations of Land grabbing and for him to take oral evidence on the alleged Law degree certificate and purportedly having allegedly graduated from Nigerian Law school. Worst is the fact that he allegedly forged the signature of Lolo Imelda Oparanozie as one of the members of the Trustees of Adoration family Ministries upon registration in 2006.  Lolo Imelda Oparanozie is the wife of the property owner of the land in dispute before Justice C. Nwogu for determination. The issue is that among the conditions required for having Adoration Family Ministries registered with Corporate Affairs Commission CAC, Enclosure “B”(3)(g) which states that Trustees may hold office for life but a Trustee shall cease to hold office if he/she ceases to reside in Nigeria.” Thus, it is observed that Lolo Imelda Oparanozie has been away from the country 4-years before the registration of Adoration Family Ministries with her passport picture affixed where her signature was allegedly forged and her consent was not obtained by Reverend Brother Philip Madu.

For Reverend Philip Madu 11th October, 2022 is a make or mar day for him to take oral evidence before Justice Nworgu as further dodging of his appearance in the court process may not offer him and his legal Counsel good opportunity to state the facts in the matter before the court decides on it.

Claimants Counsel Barrister Nnamdi Ofoegbu is poised to give proper legal representation to his clients via Barrister Kelechi Oparanozie as Attorney to George Oparanozie and Bernard Oparanozie all Claimants. Reverend Brother Philip Madu is currently on the run to avoid facing justice by presenting proof to his claims of being a lawyer and vacating the land his church occupies at Elimgbu   axis of Port Harcourt, Rivers State.  

The new Counsel to the defendant Barrister Daniel told this reporter outside the courtroom that he is new to the matter and needed time to study the case file when he was approached for his reaction after the day’s court proceeding came to an end.    He has the herculean task of bringing his client to court on 11th of October, 2022 being that from the history of the ongoing court matter he is the 5th lawyer to represent the defendant Revd Bro. Philip Madu General Overseer of Adoration Family Ministries

 Upon registration of Adoration Family Ministries with Corporate affairs Commission on 25th of May, 2006 section “C” of the incorporation of trustees “A statement and short description of the land held or About to be acquired by the body” was void which required inclusion of undertaking to acquire landed property within 2-years upon registration. There are two list of members of the Board of Trustees being paraded by Revd Philip Madu one coming from official Magistrate Court records another found in the incorporation document with CAC which are at variance with the regulation in the registration and issuance of Certificate of registration of associations and societies.

However, the question before every interested party to these revelations of alleged land grabbing, Law degree certificate forgery and forgery of signature of Lolo Imelda Oparanozie as a member of Board of trustees of Adoration Family Ministries is, will Reverend Brother Philip Madu take oral evidence on 11th of October 2022?

——————–Emeka Amaefula —–+234(0)8111813069

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