The good people of Iho-Dimeze Autonomous Community playing host to the Local Government Council Headquarters  have been blessed with an array of successful citizens most of who are found at various cadres of leadership in all levels within the community, in Local Government Council administration, and at State and Federal Levels where they are making great statements in rendering quality services to mankind. Honourable Chief Sam Aka a popular servant of the good people of Iho-Dimeze Autonomous Community once served as Council Chairman of Ikeduru Local Government Area. He is a man of the people whose political astuteness is resoundingly contributing to the development of Iho-Dimeze and Imo State. He is a member of the Ruling All Progressives Congress-APC in Imo State where he is waxing stronger each day.

On Saturday 4th of February, 2023 he sat on the throne of the regent of Eze Iho-Dimeze being the Deputy Eze in accordance with the written Rules (Constitution) of Iho-Dimeze Autonomous Community 2005 as Amended. The Ear Witness Publisher and Editor-In-Chief, Emeka Amaefula (+234(0)8111813069 while on the stage of the coverage of the settlement of the estate of Ehuchie family conducted an exclusive interview where the Traditional Prime Minister Honourable Chief Sam Aka explained reason why Council of Chiefs and Cabinet have been maintaining Peace and tranquility in Iho-Dimeze Autonomous Community as there ought not be a vacuum in leadership in the community. Read ON.

May I meet you Sir?

My name is Honourable Chief Sam Aka, the Traditional Prime Minister of Iho-Dimeze Autonomous community.

There is a dispute between two brothers in the Ehuchie family in Umugama kindred of Amaeke Iho-Dimeze, what is it all about?

Well, all I know is that Sir Charles Ehuchie, former Councillor of Iho-Dimeze Ward, in Ikeduru Local Government Area in Imo State, made a report that over the years that since the year 2000 till date that he has made frantic effort to bring his late brother Bishop Ehuchie to  a peaceful atmosphere where both of them should share their father’s lands belonging to the Ehuchie family, however the man did not comply with him until his death. And after his demise he had continued to beckon on the sons and his heirs to come to the negotiating table and share the lands belonging to the Ehuchie family.  But all those arrangements have never come to fruition. So, we now invited both parties and they were here as we set out a date to carry out such assignment of going to identify those lands. And if possible, begin to share them between the two of them. Along the line one of the late Bishop Ehuchie’s son died in the war in Ukraine. And they came and took the excuse that we should hold on, so that they should be able to give the late young man all the due burial respect. And thereafter, we could now conclude, However, that has happened and they did not come. So, today 4th of February 2023 what we are doing is to ensure that peace reigns in that family by going to identify those lands and then rely on our Constitutional powers as the traditional Council of Iho-Dimeze by doing justice to the matter. You know, that’s why we’re gathered to identify them, know their names, and thereafter we share the lands, Whether or not the other family is represented we are going on to share the lands and do justice as we are not here to take bribe, we are not here to derail, we are not here to do anything that is against the law of the land.  

So, in Igbo custom, Charles Ehuchie from all undeniable agreement is the first son of the family. So, in situations like that we know what to do. We thank god that as a Journalist, you are within us and you know what to do to take records and see how transparent we are going to be in this assignment.

Since the death of the Traditional Ruler of Iho-Dimeze His Royal Highness Eze Ernest Onwuegbu, does the Rules (Constitution) of Iho-Dimeze Development Town Union empower the Traditional Prime Minister to mediate into settlements of disputes involving land matters such as this Ehuchie family case?

Thank you, the Constitution of Iho-Dimeze Autonomous Community expressly stated that the Traditional Prime Minister by that position is the Deputy Eze and if the Eze dies, the constitution prescribes that The Traditional Prime Minister in conjunction with the existing Town Union continue to hold forth the throne in trust of Iho-Dimeze until a new Eze is elected and crowned by the State Government.

Is there a time limit in which the Traditional Prime Minister acts as a Regent for 6-months, how true is this?

No. It is not. The thing is it says expressly that until a new Eze is elected and installed in Iho-Dimeze. So, it is limitless and the onus lies on the Town Union and the people of the community to elect for themselves an Eze. And have it resolved and installed. Every system abhors vacuum. So, if what I am doing, I am supposed to have applauded, praised and prayed for me to be alive to see things work order wise, if there’s a vacuum that means there will be chaos, killing and every other thing. So, what I am doing is what the Constitution says that I should do. Then, I have not gone outside the confines of what is prescribed.     

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