The Founder of Atiku 360 Humanitarian Network, Honourable High Chief Dr. (Mrs.) Nice Aleruchi Toboulayefa Alamieyeseigha on January 1st, 2023 in her New Year message to the people of Isiokpo Ancient kingdom of Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State while worshipping at St. Peter’s Catholic Church Isiokpo admonished the parishioners to go out to engage in Charity work as they should not wait until they get into Government before doing so.

She reminded the people that her involvement 20- years ago in Charity and Humanitarian services has shown her that anyone can be used as a tool in helping to advance the work of making other people come out from difficult situations.

In a similar Vein, she reminded the people that they should all go out and vote for People’s Democratic Party-PDP Presidential Candidate Atiku Abubakar as his Vision for a new Nigeria which details on how he will make children of a nobody to become somebody without having a big man to make way for such hardworking children as the Waziri Adamawa himself is a product of such humble background. The Rivers state Presidential Campaign Council Women Mobilization Director General, Honourable High Chief Nice Toboulayeda Alamieyeseigha reminded the worshippers about her own personal Political journey started which she said has finger of God, grace, kindness and favour from God. That she decided to show love for the PDP Presidential Candidate His Excellency Atiku Abubakar because of his avowed policy documents and new vision for a new Nigeria, which she admitted will be possible only if all of them will go out and cast their votes for him on February 25th, 2023 Presidential Election. “I acknowledged the finger of GOD, GRACE, KINDNESS and FAVOUR on my political journey and Service to Humanity spanning over 20years and love for my Presidential candidates Aspiration going by his policy document believing that only ATIKU alone can make it possible for the poor child of a nobody become somebody without knowing anybody. As women and mothers, God speedily answers us when we pray. We will continue to pray for an Awesome & Amazing year of already answered prayers.

Looking forward to a new Nigeria of our dreams led by His Excellency ATIKU ABUBAKAR/OKOWA,” she stated.

On the political events taking place in Rivers state, she said that people should trust in God for a fresh start for total healing of the state which will be possible only by depending on God. 

She stated this in a Press statement issued by her Senior Special Assistant on Media Emeka Amaefula as she urged the people to take charity work serious as they do not have to wait until they are in government before involving themselves in Charity services given the fact she identified with Humanitarian services over 20 years ago. And she concluded by saying that “We are trusting and depending on GOD for a fresh start of a total healing in our dear Rivers State. I also urged the women to invest in Charity. You don’t have to wait to be in Government to show love and empathy.” 

The Isiokpo Ancient kingdom Rivers State born Philanthropist and political activist and mobilizer par excellence  Honourable High Chief Dr. (Mrs.) Nice Toboulayeda Alamieyeseigha holds several appointments in the Atiku Abubakar Support Organization-ASO as South South Zone Women Leader, Women Mobilization Director General Rivers State Presidential Campaign Council for Atiku Abubakar as she has numerous social work activities going on in the South South geo-political region and other states in the federation of Nigeria.

 ——— Emeka Amaefula —+234(0)8111813069——

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