By Emeka Amaefula


The All Progressives Grand Alliance -APGA Governorship Candidate in Rivers state Prince Ugo Beke on Thursday 1st of September 2022 celebrated his birthday among Physically challenged persons resident in Port Harcourt Rivers state. The Elekahia Town Hall center In Port Harcourt Local Government Area played host to the selected guests who came out to honour the Governorship candidate of APGA. He looks quite simple, handsome and articulate being a Consultant and Political Economist. He spoke to journalists at the venue as he said “I am Prince for the masses. I have always been associated with the masses, the less privileged and oppressed people of Nigeria and of course globally oppressed people.

“APGA is a well defined party and the only state that has APGA is a performing state more than every other state in this country. And that is Anambra state which is a living example.

Today is a day when I remember when I was born by my parents and I have selected today to work with the less privileged and share all kinds of entertainment with the less privileged and give them hope for those of them who are physically challenged telling them that there’s always hope for a better tomorrow.

“APGA will occupy the BRICK HOUSE come 2023 and every other election that we fielded candidates we will win all. That is what is there for APGA come 2023,”

When asked what motivated him to vie for Governorship of Rivers state Prince Ugo Beke said “My motivation is very simple. You know I have looked at the human capital development of Rivers state, it is zero. I have also looked at empowering people who are impoverished in the midst of plenty. We have six Delta regions. Niger Delta is the richest but poorest in terms of Human capital development, in terms of Living standard, even the infrastructure we are talking about is far below. Look at our areas and the population of Rivers state we are far behind and there’s nobody well suited to turn it around than my humble self-Prince Ugo Beke.

On what he will do differently if elected as Governor of Rivers state come 11th of March, 2023 he said” My areas of focus will be security, then, Economy, and Prosperity.”

On what he will do differently if elected he said “we have been doing the old things in the past 24-years meaning that we don’t have anyone who is well equipped to do the job. Today, God has said that we are going to do something new. Something new to give the hopeless hope. It’s not a ‘We Agenda’ It is a ‘You and I Agenda’ It is pretentious. How can I say a ‘We agenda’ when I have more than plenty-cars and there are less privileged who cannot even feed and you are saying ‘We Agenda.’ The We Agenda ended with the First Republic. After the First Republic the We Agenda became deceptive. The We Agenda it’s like I have discovered that there’s something wrong and I am going to repair it for you. Because you are the oppressed one. You are the depressed one, You are the more criminalized one ..Even they kill you on top. They use the poor against poor people. Is the poor policeman who hasn’t received his salary. God Knows how long he received the last salary. Even the people who are shouting ASUU, they have estates all over the whole place, are they paying the right tax? What are they doing to improve education? That’s all that I am coming with a total difference”

Continuing in his speech at his birthday, Prince Ugo Beke stated that “Part of my programmes, I have said that the youths, who are the most less privileged, the youths, the students, the young men will form over 70% of the Government of Rivers state come next year. And women, gender issues will be properly addressed to be part of that 70%. And of course, the physically challenged as we have here today will form the content of my government. And one of them apparently is my Deputy to be. That is, he has the mental capacity. He has what it takes to deliver Rivers state. So, I am the Prince of the Masses and Prince to all.”

I will work with everybody. I am not saying that I am the Messiah, but I think you can test by my character and my capacity as I am the one that is your friend. And willing to associate with you from next year and for ever more. I have the capacity and the content to perform. Let me tell you a little bit of myself. I was a child before the Nigeria-Biafra civil war, I saw the Civil war as a little child. I backed my younger brother on my back running from bullets. I came back in 1969 and I was selected as a young man to sing the lovely song and tell the folklore stories to suit the little children who are just returned from the devastated effect of the Civil war. I have been playing that role of associating with the needy, to give hope to the hopeless. So, thereafter, I went to secondary school. And I did very well. And I went to England and I did very well. I came to the bank as a banker. I worked as a banker. And then as a Financial Consultant. I moved on to work for the Federal Government as boardroom guru for several Federal Government parastatals. Currently I just left as the Acting Chairman of Abuja Infrastructural and Investment. I have done a lot of Consultancy for International bodies. Right now I prepared a report for Nigeria called ‘Africa Peer review Mechanism where I represented the entire South. That is about self-assessment. I am about to embark on what is called the National Plan of action or National Programme of action.  I am spear-heading it intellectually. And not necessarily physically. I am spear-heading it by looking at our policies. So, I am in a better position to tell you about Policy somersault, policy overlap and over collapse. I am the one who can drive it more than what we have now.”

Of his background as a Private sector business man he said “I am coming from the private sector. My family is very well entrenched with the private sector. We are manufacturers of the Star Foam of which I am a shareholder. I am also into oil and gas, the downstream sector and Upstream sector.

——-Emeka Amaefula——+234(0)8111813069


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