By Emeka Amaefula


The alumni association of graduates of Alvan Ikoku College of Education Owerri Imo State on Sunday 28th of August, 2022 held her 2022 Annual General Meeting and launched the constitution at Port Harcourt, Rivers state Nigeria.

The group comprises graduates of the foremost institution affiliated to University of Nigeria Nsukka, UNN who graduated in the 1980s and based at Rivers state with membership of those in diaspora who add value to the conviviality of love, comradeering and helping each other as a social networking group of professionals currently contributing their own quota in development in different endeavours. Teadros Info Tech Ltd being the exquisite venue of the AGM that played host to Alvana 80’s Digital group actually has true ambience and serenity that made members to relax and discuss fruitfully how to advance their organization.

Chairman of the group Alvana ’80’s Digital Port Harcourt Humphrey Odum and High Chief Fidel Enyinna and the executive members were technical in discharging their responsibilities which culminated to the smooth conduct of the affairs of the body. The Agenda on the table included Welcome speech by the moderator High Chief Fidel Enyinna; Chairman’s Opening remark cum Annual Chairman’s Report; Financial report by the Treasurer; Video Interactions with members in Diaspora; Launching of the New Constitution; Lunch/drinks; general matters including date for election, change of uniform, Christmas Party, and free speeches by members.

Resolutions from the AGM include the conduct of election of new executives before the end of 2022 with a 2-member committee set up to regularize the registration of the body with Corporate Affairs Commission-CAC and report back to the body. While decisions of the participation of members in diaspora with its attendant logistics was settled in the affirmative.

The End of Year Party venue was also discussed with target of two venues Port Harcourt and Owerri put into consideration.

The second phase of the AGM 2022 took place with the launching of the association’s Rules commonly called Constitution took place as members in diaspora Honourable Ogechi Nwanekwu resident in Delaware, United states of America took part as he launched it with the sum of N50, 000 others at the AGM also launched the Constitution with various sums of money.

The meeting ended with sumptuous buffet and high-powered entertainment dished out by the organizing committee led by Kenneth Ewuziem, Dr. Jacklyn Anya and Mrs. Kate Ibekwe.

Reactions from members at the end of the AGM added more glamour to the occasion as Chairman of the group Humphrey Odum said “I equally want to use this medium to express my appreciation to all our members both in Nigeria and in Diaspora. The presentation and launching of our Constitution were something else. As the saying goes “Onye nwere unu nwere Madu” The attendance was grandeur. God Bless you all.”

While High Chief Fidel Enyinna in his comment said described the occasion as Supper Successful AGM “Today everyone in attendance was proud to be a member of the Digital Association. The reasons were not far-fetched. The atmosphere was serene and friendly, the hall was filled with members, attendance recorded almost 95%. Our Ladies were beautifully dressed.

“Great commitment from the Nigerian Diaspora who came since yesterday and remained throughout. Special Kudos to Buba who attended from Lagos and Ego from Owerri.

“The International Diasporas made us proud when ‘Surgeon General‘  Ogechi Nwanekwu donated N50,000.00 to launch our new constitution. Scribito has promised to throw bomb an anti-ballistic Missile when he will be launching the constitution.

“Both Surgeon General and scribito spent time with our full house members on a happy Video interaction. Chinwe Duru responded in style and she remains appreciated. Kizito and Dr. PEE both were contacted but were not disposed to talk with us but promised to launch the constitution at an early convenient time.

Every member of the Digital Chapter deserves an award for making today a success. Our giant stride remains very unprecedented and nothing slowing us down. The sky is our limit”

Roll call of members of the Alvana ‘80s Digital association include Humphrey Odu; Fidel Enyinna; Toochi Nosiri; Dr. Ijeoma Ike-Inegbu; Sir Innocent Njoku; Lady Letitia Njoku; Barrister Kelechi Oparanozie; Emeka Amaefula; Honourable Ogechi Nwanekwu; Dr. (Mrs.) Love Alozie ; Ms. Ifeyinwa Ekezie; Mrs. Pricilla Umoren; Emeka Anaba; Mrs. Joy Ukpaghari; Mrs. Rose Okafor; Mrs. Chinyere Nwachukwu;  Mrs. Ego Nwakanma;  Kizito Emeka Anyanwu; Mrs. Maria Anosike; Mrs. Juliet Elemnwoke; Sir, Obi Chikezie;  Mrs. Lynda Anowe; Mr. Bassey Ogbonnaya;  Peter Chigbundu; Comfort Chigbundu; Dr. Patterson Ekeocha; Mrs. Ego Abiakam; Dr. Jacklyn Anya; Mrs. Rita Owase; Mr. Angelo Chukwu Madububa; Ms. Love Isiguzo; Mrs. Maureen Jonas Ukaegbu; Mrs. Chinyere Onu; Mrs. Esther Okoji; Mrs. Ngozi Maduako; Mrs. Chidinma Otuka; Mrs. Helen Amadi; Okey Ufonmadu; and Ifeanyi Njoku; Mrs. Cecilia Udeh; Mr. Chris Agu; Mrs Angela Ebere Abbah; Mrs. Chinwe Duruh Gabriel; Barr.(Mrs.) Chidinma Otuka; Quad; Mrs. Francisca Anyanwu; Lady Ifeoma Ben-Ushie; Mrs. Stella Nwabunnia and Mrs. Chinyere Akuma;

——–Emeka Amaefula—-+234(0)8111813069

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