By Emeka Amaefula


The first memorial service organized in honour of late High Chief Hyacinth O. Nwokocha and his first son Oliver O.C Nwokocha was actually celebrated on Sunday 2nd of January,2022 in a way that retained the good memories of the good work of the patriarch of the family who passed on the 10th of January 2019. In the same vein, his first son Mr. Oliver O.C Nwokocha, a New York United states of America based Senior Journalist who passed on 2018 were all buried on December 2019 within 10-days interval of 17th and 27th of December, 2019 at the Palatial country Home of High Chief H.O Nwokocha in Eluama Abueke Uboma District of Ihitte/Uboma local Government of Imo state.

For the Memorial church service that took place at Holy Ghost Parish of Catholic church Abueke Community,Rev. Fr. Augustin Ikechukwu Nwankwo.-  Family friend, Rev. Fr. Francis Ifeanyichukwu Nwachukwu– Parish rector. Rev. Fr. Princewill – – former curate of our parish all clergy men who officiated in the service admonished parishioners to always remember the days that they live on earth as every deed is being recorded and at the judgment day hell or heaven await them on their last journey.

For the great family of late High Chief H.O Nwokocha who married to his only wife Charity Onugo Nwokocha begot nine successful children among who are Catherine, Francis, Steven, Ngozi, Ifeanyi, Nwabueze, Amaka and Stanley Nwokocha. For late High Chief H.O Nwokocha who spent greater days of his active working career in the then Ministry of Education in Eastern Region of Nigeria giving his children and community people best of Western education was a priority to which he succeeded in having different professionals, Lawyers administrators and Scientist and Linguist as his biological children among who seven of them have their education completed abroad. In Umudike and Abueke communities of Uboma District Late High Chief Nwokocha at various occasions worked assiduously to having brilliant sons from the community who traveled abroad for further studies. A case in mind was the send-Off Church Service organized for his brother late Professor Martin Alugbue who was the first indigene to travel overseas where he was Chairman of the occasion. Again, he did the same for Charles Alugbue who was the second son of Abueke to travel abroad to the United States of America-USA for further studies.

In the words of the second son, Barrister Steve Ike Nwokocha “My father was a double Chief, High Chief Hyacinth Nwokocha, was a very nice person to the community. If you come to the church you will see that we have about seven people doing the same thing that we are doing today but all those people came here as well. They left all that they were doing and came here. That shows you how much this man, our late father, was loved in the community. He is well known because he spent his life in the Civil Service and if you check most people in the Civil Service today from our community majority of them were employed because of my late father.  In those days, if he’s going to Enugu he will take them along and if he’s going to Aba he will take them along you know Civil Service and all that involves transfers. He made sure that he engaged all the people around him. So, most of the people around here came to thank him even at his death, saying that my father did this and did that for them and all that. So, he is well loved as he’s a good man, very kind to a fault. Like there is a saying here in our community that “ebute ebutere Nwokocha” That is to say “when you have your problem, you bring it to Nwokocha “.

On his community engagements for his people of Abueke, Barrister Steve Ike Nwokocha said “if you look at the Church, he’s instrumental to the building of our church, Holy Ghost Parish Catholic church Abueke Uboma. I can remember while I was small when he was fighting for the church to make it a Denary where other church outlets look up to in terms of administration. Like the Town Hall he built it with his own money, like when they asked for a piece of land the woman who owned it refused to give it out when my father came, he went and bought it and gave it to the community to build Townhall. That’s one of the things he did. There are so many things he did for his community. On scholarships, he paid school fees for so many indigent children. My father was somebody who loved education. When he came in contact with a child who’s brilliant and he didn’t have money to pay school fees, my father would encourage the person and he would help to send the person to school. Like I can tell you about Professor Martins Alugbue who’s late now, he was the person who supported him in his education and he, Professor Alugbue traveled to the United States of America USA for further studies. He later became the Vice Chancellor of Imo state University. My father was instrumental in his traveling to the USA to study. That’s a little bit of them as I can’t tell you all for now. Another is Professor Alloy Ejiogu from Abueke Uboma who became Minister of Interior who complained that when my father died, we didn’t tell him so that he can come and tell the world who our late father was.”

For the remembrance church outing ceremony, first son of the Nwokocha, Mr. Oliver O.C Nwokocha who lived 45years in United States of America -USA but died at the age of 65 years old. He was a vibrant Journalist and editor of Detroit City Newspaper in Michigan state in USA. He got married to the daughter of Alabo Graham Douglas, Nigeria’s former 4-terms Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The wedding ceremony that took place in the USA had former Nigeria’s Vice President Alhaji Atiku Abubakar before he emerged as Vice President as the Chairman of the Holy matrimony ceremony. But the marriage crashed before Mr. Oliver O.C Nwokocha passed on in 2019. He traveled to the United states of America immediately after the Biafra-Nigeria Civil War in the 1970s.


The very successful children have three daughters and six sons who are all married and doing very well in their different chosen fields of endeavour. The first-born child, Oliver O.C Nwokocha, although late now, was a popular Journalist in Detroit City of Michigan, United States of America. He was very popular in his practice as editor of Detroit based Newspaper in the United States of America. 

Pretty looking Lady Kate Ada Obani nee Nwokocha, is the first daughter of late H.O Nwokocha and she is married with children. This elegant stallion is a retired School Teacher turned politician as she was recently elected Councilor of Uboma District in Ihitte/Uboma Local Government Area of Imo state.   In her tribute she wrote “My father was not a man of double personality. He never compromised his integrity. He was a way finder in his community. He was very jovial and very generous, caring and kind to those that came across him.”    Now light complexioned Knight of Saint Mulumba KSM Frank Nwokocha, the third born child, studied in India and is currently Senior personnel at Nigerian Communication Commission-NCC currently at Port Harcourt, Rivers state station. In his tribute he eulogized his late father thus, “Papa symbolized humility, honesty and love, an accomplished Civil Servant with extraordinary   ability to turn things around.” 

The 4th born child Barrister Steve Ike Nwokocha is a trained lawyer and a community man whose strong memory about his late father is encapsulated in this narrative, “As I go down memory lane, I remember vividly how you labored hard, defiled all odd and single handedly raised our large family to this height and yet maintained your integrity.  Your love for peace, honesty and integrity endeared you to all”.

Coming from London is the 5th born child, Mrs. Dorothy Ngozi Chukwu nee Nwokocha. She is into Real Estate business woman with blocks of Flats located at Umuahia, Aba and Owerri. Her lucrative commercial Farm This adorable and delectable lady of immense value captured her memorable days with her late Dad High chief H.O Nwokocha as follows “Papa was regularly using his house at Umuahia to sign collateral for people from our community who wanted to study in Overseas in those days. When people questioned him about taking such a high risk with his house for people that weren’t even related to him, his answer will be that he didn’t see it as high risk, he just wanted the success of his people.”

The 6th born child Mr. Ifeanyichukwu D. Nwokocha  the current President General of Eluama Abueke is a gentle man who has also brought wealth of experience in managing the Affairs of the community. In his tribute eulogized High chief H.O Nwokocha’s family life thus “You were the best husband any woman will crave for. Mama attests to this fact always. You were exceptionally wonderful to our Mom who never knew what it meant to lack in anything but instead had extra for others. You were undeniably a father to us your children, a directional and visionary leader to your people, an undisputable counselor and a friend to all who came close to you. You were all things to all men. A community builder and a custodian of culture.”

The eclectic and politically maverick Chief Mayor Nwabueze Nwokocha the 7th child admired his late father’s charismatic gestures of which he took to another level from where he lifted his political attributes as captured thus, “Your contributions to the advancement of humanity and service to God will forever remain indelible in our hearts. Your straightforward lifestyle, your determination to stand by the truth and your dogged zeal to serve God and defend the defenseless made you a powerful man.”

Among the three successful ladies born by late High Chief H.O Nwokocha is this tall, psychedelic and pretty looking celebrity business lady the 8th born child Mrs. Amaka Rea nee Nwokocha. She’s a proud mother to Miss Chelsea Rea. In her nostalgic account of what she holds so dire about her late father she said “Dad will always hold a special place in our lives, full of memories of how he has shaped our future and guided us through thick and thin. Our father kept a garden. A garden of the heart. He planted all good things that gave our lives a start. He turned us to the sunshine and encouraged us to dream the seeds of what we’ll be. We are our father’s garden. We are his legacy. That man is a success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; He gained respect for intelligent men and the love of children; He filled his niche and accomplished his tasks. He left the world better than he found it. He never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it; He looked for the best in others and gave the best he had. It is always difficult to say farewell to a dad, but we will always remain thankful for the guidance that he passed on to us.”

Cool, intelligent, large-hearted Stanley Nwokocha the 9th born child of Late High Chief H.O Nwokocha is a man of immense measures of gait and suave. Stan as he is popularly addressed by his family members and close friends is a product of United Kingdom University where he bagged degrees. Being the last-born child, he truly has the last view of his late father as “He provided us the very best of opportunities and made sure we aspired to greater heights. Papa was unique in so many ways and he was quite very smart and disciplined. He had several famous quotes to back up his regular admonitions and counseling sessions.”


The tombstones of the two deceased High Chief Hyacinth O. Nwokocha and that of his first son, Oliver O.C Nwokocha may look like a home for comfort for a life well lived as Late High Chief H.O Nwokocha whose traditional chieftaincy title regale in the cozy last resting place being the mausoleum. This reflects vividly on his status in the society as the tiled granite tombstone and pictorial display of the effervescent magnifying personalities of the Patriarch of the family and that of his first son glitter in the well-constructed edifice. The mausoleum bearing hand rails and surfaced well tiled marble ground floor will pass for a Kingly congregational assemblage of the saints of which High chief H.O Nwokocha having served God very well in his life time is currently enjoying the blissful abode with the angels in attendance to his needs.

The clergymen from Holy Ghost Parish of Catholic Church in Abueke Uboma community after offering short devotional prayers for the souls of the departed Faithfuls cut the tape that officially opened up the mausoleum. The family members were all gathered at the mausoleum and prayed for by the clergy men with special emphasis on the well-being of the living and legacies of the patriarch of the family Late High Chief H.O Nwokocha being forever remembered here on earth as he planted so many trees in Abueke community where he was born and lived.


The 8th born child Mrs. Amaka Veronica Rea nee Nwokocha, who is married to Mr. Peter Rea a British citizen has much to show for her love of the patriarch of the family being her beloved late father. She’s a University of Port Harcourt trained graduate and a Spain based realtor and Estate merchant who is a fashionista and Chief Executive Officer of Arena Apartments in Marbela Spain and she’s the CEO of Arena Couture a top Fashion outfit for upwardly mobile babes while she was a resident of Port Harcourt City in Rivers state Nigeria. Delectable Mrs. Amaka Veronica Rea had a robust secondary School education at the prestigious Federal Government Girls’ College FGGC Calabar, Cross Rivers State. While at FGGC Calabar Amaka Veronica Rea was a prominent figure in the inter-Collegiate Schools’ Debate and Dramatic Club contests where she excelled against ivy Colleges like Hope Waddel College and Saint Patrick’s College all in Calabar, Cross River state Southern Nigeria.

 She is the most versatile among the daughters of Higher Chief H. O Nwokocha. She enjoyed her late father’s favour as a child with much exposure to meetings the patriarch held or attended. Her ability to communicate effectively didn’t come as a surprise to many who have known how she was very close to her late father, who helped a lot of his people in being empowered economically through acquisition of sound education that equipped them for a successful and better life in the future.

—–Emeka Amaefula +234(0)8111813069

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